Sweet Monday

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Deep Fried Freckles.

Yesterday I woke up the best email I have possibly every received. The amazingly talented Malia from Deep Fried Freckles had contacted me to say she had done a painting of me and here it is! Isn't it awesome? It looks so much like me, in fact it looks better than me! The detail is uncanny and especially the pattern in the top, wow. 
You can view the original on her blog and see more of her illustrations/paintings there :)
I uploaded it to instagram (kimparslow) as soon as I received it and had around 80 likes so clearly Malia's art is a hit with a lot of you, thank you for all the positive comments too!
I'm always amazed by talent like this. I used to be good at art but portraits were never my strong point.
I have also been contacted by someone else who has asked to draw me and I can't wait to see it :) I'm amazed anyone would find me interesting enough to draw but if you do please send them over to me! I love them!!
