Little Winter

Today, us Little's are pretending to be Kimbolina (actually she tries to be like us!) as she's off on her holidays, leaving us all behind with only the radiators and jumpers for warmth! But that's OK because in our cottage, the bedroom is probably the most favourite place (no pun intended, I promise!). I say that, it's mine and Little R's go to room when we want to snuggle down with a film and wait for Little B to head home. He prefers to sit downstairs, where there's not so much floral bedsheets and endless fairy lights.
So here's a few of my favourite things in the cosiest room of our house...
Surprisingly we don't have much storage for all our many clothes, but an ivory rail and a cream chest keeps everything all tidy and away from the little furry who likes to take underwear downstairs..?!

We're not really 'shelf people', but this shelf is my one and only. I think it used to be a spice rack before, but with a bit of bunting and some (empty) picture frames, it finishes off the lopsided wall perfectly.
I like boxes. Boxes of all sizes. And this is my new favourite box, which has all my little bits and bobs that always end up getting lost. It sits perfectly on my chest of drawers.
A friend bought us these blocks for a housewarming present, and we love them. They're really simple but add nicely into our pigeon hole units. Real flowers are my weakness, but sometimes fake ones are just as good..!
I have a bit of a thing for windows, especially these old window panes. We also have voils instead of curtains, which makes it really nice when the morning lights comes through (not so good on the poor orchid!)

And no bedroom could be complete without some Primark cushions, a hot Ribena and a bowl of mini eggs. That's an ideal night in for us Little's right there.

The Little Magpie


Happy birthday to me!