Glitter Tip Nail Art

Models Own - Nude & Juicy Jules
Ok so I need to come up with a new design! But I just can't help trying this effect with all sorts of colours. I'm seriously liking the 'tips' style, and with Juicy Jules by Models Own, it literally looks like you've dipped your fingers in a pot of glitter!
On other festive topics, who has snow? All of you?! We've had some, but no where near as much as we usually get. I live in the Forest of Dean and every year we get horrendous snow but this time it seems to keep missing us, it literally went around us hitting Cardiff, Newport, Bristol, Cheltenham.... So weird. I don't really mind as it's enough to look pretty but not too much to hinder my social life. Although my friends and I are meant to be going out tonight and I'm not so sure the taxi company will bother picking us up :( dam you weather!

Leopard Print Skirt


Beauty | Neutral leopard print