Sweet Monday

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Tattoo Cover Up

Ok so in  yesterday's post I mentioned that I was off to a tattoo parlor to see about covering up my god awful tattoo on my wrist.
I headed to Time and Triumph in Monmouth where many of my friends have been tattooed and I'd heard great things about. I had previously been told by another tattooist that I wouldn't be able to get it covered and that I'd have to have it lasered off. What with the price of lasering and the pain, I really didn't want to have to do that. So a few friends told me to check this place in Monmouth out. Originally I had wanted a butterfly as my 'bow' already pretty much looked like one anyway, but as all tattooists I'd spoken to pointed out, my bow was technically upside down, so to do something up the correct way meant there wasn't a lot of room, without spreading on to my palm?!
Well to cut a long story short, I went to Time and Triumph with the idea of angel wings in my head, thinking I'd just have to have something the same way as the bow as there was no room to turn something the other way. Well I was wrong, one of the tattooists straight away said he'd be able to do a butterfly, up the right way and cover the bow completely.
AND he offered to do it there and then. Luckily a friend of mine is the receptionist and there was a few friends hanging out there so I think that helped me get in straight away and not have to wait. I was so happy as I really wanted it done before September when I start my new job.
So here it is, the before and after shot....
Now if I'd have asked for a butterfly in the first place I probably wouldn't have envisioned it looking like this but with what he had to work with I'm so impressed! He's managed to cover it completely and make the bow into the shapes of the butterflies wings :) He had to do it pretty dark as the bow's shading was so dark before, but with the added colour, it looks so much more like an actual tattoo than it did before.
As you can see the line work and shading were absolutely dire on the bow, I can't believe how bad it was, I regret getting it done but at least now I can look down and not be ashamed or embarrassed about what I see. I will no longer be trying to hide my wrist :)